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beks 🌸 20↑ 🌸 she/he 🌸 disabled 🌸 asexual

hi, i'm beks! right now i'm only drawing stuff for pixar's luca and especially luberto because i love them very much! please check out the linked pages for important information.(this site does not look good on mobile i'm SO sorry)

wanna support me?
buy me a coffee!

before you follow me...

please keep in mind that some things i draw may have some dark and/or upsetting themes! i don't draw that type of stuff frequently but i put warnings on my posts wherever i feel it's aware that although very dark subject matter is rare, i might post things that include:

underage, age gaps, size differences, power imbalance, violence, noncon/dubcon

under no circumstances do i condone any of the dark subject matter i draw or engage with happening in a real life setting. my interests are strictly rooted in fiction.


i am pro-fiction and anti-censorship and do not believe that fiction affects reality on a 1:1 basis. please don't interact with me under any circumstances if any of the following apply to you. block me.

minors, MAPs, zoophiles, bigots, fascists, zionists, IRL condoners, antis

under no circumstances do i condone any of the dark subject matter i draw or engage with happening in a real life setting. my interests are strictly rooted in fiction.i block all of these types of people on sight.

if you're blocked by me...

i block people freely, as well as use redblock to mass-block people from both the likes/retweets on specific tweets and other peoples followers pages. if you're blocked by me, you either apply to something from my DNI list or got caught up at some point when i ran redblock.i have thousands of people blocked across all of my accounts. don't take it personally!if you think i mistakenly blocked you, you can send me a message on retrospring (i won't post it) or my other socials if you know them